We are sitting in our sitting room watching ‘Hocus Pocus’ I use the word ‘watching’ lightly. Ethan is screaming,yelping and jumping pounding his casts off the wooden floor, I’m pretty sure I should stop him but…ya gotta pick your battles. J is asking questions about the Witches,Halloween,Christmas,Holidays,Pumpkins,America, School and the paint on the wall. Baby D is investigating everything he can see and feel while making his way back over to me to pull at my IPad. The film is playing away but it might as well be on mute, I can’t find the controller, I am also afraid to move incase the baby spots me and I remind him to pull at my IPad again, which he hasn’t done in 7 minutes now. J is still talking as I type, he sounds like he is giving ( an inaccurate) account of the film. I’m too tired to tell him to be quiet or to correct him. Ignoring him and nodding every now and then, appears to be working.
D is in Dublin, since yesterday and should be back later this evening.
This moment I must remember. I must remember this moment,the next time I tell D he does nothing. He does. He does a lot more than I give him credit for, if I’m totally honest. D, honey, I appreciate you….COME HOME …before I start licking the windows just to feel like I fit in!!!!!!!!!!